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In the lumber region, the caudal approach is extremely beneficial for L5-S1 radiculopathy , which can be done by both Ragz and epiduroscopy.
At , L4 level or above, a transforaminal approach can be done .
In cervical region (neck );thoracic approach is
In order to eliminate any possibility of heat lesion being produced, Sluijter suggested RF technique which uses a temperature of no greater than 42 C, using a pulsed fashion in order to achieve pain relief.
PRF is a non -destructive harmless method ,whic
It is the passage of a very high frequency current down a thermocouple probe. it heats the surrounding tissues to a temperature ,which can be totally controlled by the operator .This is the standard RF (continuous RF) which use a continuous waveform RF o
Adhesions in the epidural space is usually formed after surgery in the spinal canal; scarring in epidural space occurs frequently following surgery; leakage of nucleus pulposus . Epidural scarring often obstructs the epidural veins.
- Thermal Discoplasty or Nucleoplasty ; Arthrocare Technology. The procedure combines disc removal and thermal coagulation to decompress contained herniated disc . -Dekompressor ; Stryker Technology. The decompressor rotates creating suction to pull mille
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