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Prevention of neck pain

A small description about neck
Our backbone is a long chain of several bones. There are 7 bones in the neck part of our back. First one is called Atlas, Second one is called Axis and the remaining ones are collectively called as Cervicals and numbered as 3,4,5,6 and 7. All of them are connected through joints one after the other. Spinal canal passes through them. With the help of the spinal canal, spinal cord extends right from our brain and across our body. There will be Inter vertebral Poranima between every spinal bone. From this, each nerve comes out and spreads in different directions. There will be disks in between spinal bones and act as shock absorbers. An interesting fact is that these disks don’t need any blood circulation. Strength comes directly from the food we take. Another function of disks is to balance the weight of the body and the brain.

Neck pain arises because of inappropriate postures while sitting and standing. Sometimes, disks between the spinal bones fall over the nerves and cause intense pain. Some people say that they also get headache, vomiting and dizziness when suffering from back pain. The reason is, two blood vessels namely vertebral arteries carry blood from the spinal cord to the brain. When the pain is intense, blood circulation in these arteries fluctuates. As a result, brain doesn’t get sufficient blood flow and the above symptoms occur.

In the entire backbone, neck part will undergo maximum change in posture and pressure. The pressure is especially intense here because it has to bear the weight of the brain.
Some of the reasons for neck pain are:
1.Wear and tear of disks as a result of old age.
2.Cervical spondilitis
3.Neck damage due to accidents
4.Carrying huge weights
5.Sudden change in posture
There is no need to worry if the impact of neck pain is confined to itself. But if the pain arises in the neck and its reaction is experienced in other body parts, then one should immediately consult a doctor. People suffering from Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis also feel pain in back bone joints. As a result when neck pain occurs, all the joints get stiff and cripple the patient from any head movements.

Taking necessary precautions can cure 90% of neck pain. Surgery is performed only in extreme cases. Regular exercise and taking doctor’s advice will prevent neck pain.

When should we consult a doctor?
1.If the pain still persists even after taking some painkillers.
2.When we fall accidentally and intense pain occurs in the neck part.
3.When we feel that the effects of neck pain are seen through out the body.
4.When we loose sensation in hands and legs at the time of neck pain.
5.When we feel tenderness at neck.

Precautions to be taken
1.Avoid continues talk in cell phone. Don’t keep your cell between head and shoulder for a long time. If you use cell a lot, better use headphones.
2.Avoid long travel on bikes, which don’t give suspension to your back.
3.Take regular brake while working on computer.
4.We see neck pain usually in people who work mostly in sitting posture. Regularly change your posture to avoid neck pain. Try to keep your posture erect.
5.Don’t bend to a side while walking.
6.Don’t carry heavy bags on one side of the shoulder. This creates a lot of stress to the neck and spinal bones.
7.Avoid using high pillows while sleeping. Also avoid pillows that are either too smooth or too hard. Choose your pillow such that when we use it, our head should be synchronous with rest of the body.

First aid for neck pain
1.Massage the neck either with cloth soaked in hot water or with cloth enclosed in ice cubes.
2.When you get a hint of pain at the neck, immediately relax for a while by doing some stretching exercises.
3.If you suffer from frequent neck pain, taking advice from physiotherapist helps.
4.Take only prescribed painkillers or balms. But, avoid their excessive usage.


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